It is not well-known, even among dog owners, that a dog can live for about 25 to 30 years. It seems that we are used in the idea that dogs usually die at their tenth year of living or as early as that.
Dogs die in varying reasons. We can blame it on disease or age. We can even blame it on the crudeness of life – this is if the dog dies because of an accident. But has it ever occurred in us that the food they eat could also cause their death?
Commercial food is nothing more than junk. Filled with waste and substances that our dogs probably don’t need at all, it can be detrimental instead of being helpful.
Switching to homemade dog food should be considered by pet owners who genuinely care for the health of their dogs. Why?
Let’s face it, manufacturers exist for the money. No matter how moving a commercial of a dog food brand is and how convinced we are that the manufacturers really care about the welfare of our pets, all they want from us is our cash. And only a small part of what we pay for a box of dog food goes to the product itself. Most often than not, we pay for the brand name.
Check the grocery for sales and see what you can buy for your dog. Remember that buying in bulk will save you a lot of money – and probably time and effort in going to stores. Don’t worry if you do not know yet what to cook as an alternative dog food, homemade dog food recipes are accessible online all days of the week.
Harmful chemicals such as pesticides are mixed in commercial dog foods, along with unhealthy preservatives that may cause allergy and eventually damage your dog’s internal organs. Also, your dog is not far from having cancer if it consumes a huge amount of these foods.
Every dog has its own dietary needs. Some dogs may be deficient in protein, and some might be in need of more antioxidants. It is a huge help to know what nutrients you should be giving your pet. You might cause your dog’s disorders in giving it the unneeded food substances and depriving it of its required nutrients.
Making homemade dog food can be an activity enjoyed both by you and your dog. You can allow it to watch you prepare the food. The aroma of all the ingredients will surely excite your dog. You can also play games with it while waiting for the food to cook.
Our dogs deserve more than a bowl of dull commercial dog food. It only takes fifteen to twenty minutes to cook him a delicious, healthy, and homemade meal.